Monday 31 October 2011

Inside the New York Times!

The second last lecture for JOUR1111 was really interesting. We were asked to watch a really fascinating documentary called 'Page One' which shows what happens inside the New York Times. It was interesting mainly due to David Carr, a media desk reporter, whose vibrant character was brought out in the movie. The only thing that was missing in the documentary were women! Where are the women in New York Times? It would have been more interesting if they took bits of the women working in the office as well. Nonetheless, the documentary was interesting and inspiring.The documentary discusses about the sources and implications of an online pay-wall. It shows how meetings are held to decide which article goes on the front page of the newspaper. The relevance of Twitter to reporters is also emphasised in the documentary. The documentary also touches on many other issues concerning media companies like sending a journalist to Iraq. I was truly inspired by the documentary, it showed me how life as a journalist really is.

The trailer for the documentary is available on:

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