Monday 17 October 2011

News Values

The news worthiness of a story can actually be determined by news values. There are many news values that have been identified. Unexpectedness, negativity(bad news), reference to elite nations or persons are some of the news values.

On their wedding day, Prince William and Kate Middleton made the front page of many newspapers worldwide. Many people were eager to see the dress Kate Middleton wore and how the wedding took place. The news value that this article has is 'elite persons and nations'. If it was a wedding of a prince in any other country, it would not have received as much publicity as this wedding had received.

This article is about a 13 year old boy, Alfie Patten who is already a father. It made the front page because it has a news value, 'unexpectedness'. It is something out of the ordinary.

"If it bleeds, it leads. If it's local it leads." Daniel Morocombe's disappearance was big news in Queensland because it happened here. After 7 years and 9 months when his bones were found in August this year, it was also major news. The articles about Daniel Morocombe have news values such as, negativity, follow-up and meaningfulness incorporated in it.

Without relevant news values and worthiness, articles would not be of great interest to the readers. Therefore, it is important for writers to examine the newsworthiness of a story before publishing it. 

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