Wednesday 19 October 2011

Yes Facebook, you got me hooked!!

How many of us would actually take a moment off in the midst of an important event, whereby we are the centre of attraction, just to update our statuses on Facebook? Well, Danna Hanna did just that in the midst of his own wedding ceremony! He asked the minister to give him and his bride time for a social media update. He took his cellphone out in order to update his relationship status on his Facebook profile, before kissing the bride! He requested that his wife do the same. 

As I sit on my bed, trying to study for the exams, my phone keeps vibrating, notifying me about updates from Facebook. I cannot resist the temptation of logging into my Facebook page to check the updates, every few minutes, in the midst of 'studying'. I am officially hooked onto Facebook. I have to seriously look into deactivating my Facebook account for the next few weeks, till exams are over (NOT happening!)

Social media has become an essential tool for most of us, these days. We use Facebook as a place to store and share videos and photographs with friends, to get updates on important news and to keep in touch with friends. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check my phone for any updates on Facebook. I have even managed to get my mom hooked on to Facebook. Facebook has become the main source of communication between my family and friends, back in Singapore, and I. It has been about 4 years since I created my Facebook account which replaced my friendster account. Life will never be the same again, if Facebook becomes non-existant (Unless something similar/better comes up). 

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