Tuesday 13 December 2011

Lau Pa Sat-Food Paradise!

I had dinner at Lau Pa Sat yesterday. It has always been my favourite place to go to for seafood in Singapore. As soon as the sun sets and it starts to get dark, you can see small stalls being set up along the street and the hawkers would start getting busy, setting up tables and chairs on the road. The road would be blocked so no vehicles can pass through at night. The smell of raw satays being barbecued by the street hawkers, groups of people chit-chatting loudly and enjoying their meals after a hard day of work and the occasional presence of tourists snapping away with their cameras are some things that can be observed on a weekday night at Lau Pa Sat.

I am a fanatic for Asian seafood and it is something I really missed when I was in Australia. My favourite Asian seafood dish is hotplate beancurd. I just can never get enough of the beancurd, which is the highlight of the dish. It is crispy on the outside, very soft on the inside and it absorbs the gravy that it is partially submerged in. I believe I can hear angels sing, when I put it into my mouth. It's simply heavenly!

I believe that Lau Pa Sat is one of the must-eat-at places in Singapore!

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