Thursday, 22 September 2011

'R U OK?' -Gavin Larkin

Gavin Larkin

Just 7 days ago, many of my friends were asking me if I was Ok. I then realised it was actually 'R U OK?' day. I find the concept behind this campaign really interesting, because in Singapore we do not have such a day. The purpose of  'R U OK?' day is for people to reach out and make contact with others so as to reduce the suicide rate. I went back to read up about the day and realised it was founded by Garvin Larkin. He founded the day in 2009, after his own father committed suicide. I found the story behind how he came up with 'R U OK?' day really inspiring.

Today while I was checking out news on ABC's website, I was really shocked to discover that Garvin Larkin had passed away. He has passed away due to cancer.  I am sure his legacy will live on and 'R U OK?' day will continue to serve its purpose. Thanks to his unique initiative, many lives have been saved and will continue to be saved. I believe that he will continue being an inspiration to others.

'To live in hearts we leave behind, Is not to die.'~Thomas Campbell, "Hallowed Ground"

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